Acoustic Guitars A' Plenty!
Work on the new album is moving fast and furious. I have (6) tracks pretty much completed and recorded, and a few more in the works. More falls out of my fingers every day, it's a little exciting.
I've decided that I'm going to include a few older pieces on the album. They're songs I really like and feel should get another view of the daylight. We shall see, I'm still formalizing that stage.
I am, however, on track for my late June release. As soon as I'm more confidant I'll publish a firm release date when it will be avaiable for download at my Bandcamp site. As of right now I have no plans to release it in a physical form, but you never know. Depending on how it turns out I may look into pressing some CDs. Especially if there is interest from the clamoring masses... ;)
I'm posting videos to my YouTube page as I progress, so be sure to check in there to see the fun.
Okay, back to work. Today the banjo may come out of it's case for some experimentation, since I seem to have entered a quasi-bluegrass state of mind. We shall see. Oh yes we shall.
Rock on!